
14th August 2023 |
Welcome Ticket Feedback!
We are delighted that Welsh Government has extended the Welcome Ticket for refugees until 31 March 2024. This provides a lifeline for Refugees rebuilding their lives in Wales enabling people to attend all-important English Language classes, seek legal advice, and spend time with their communities. Nonetheless, we are all too well aware that some people …

10th August 2023 |
Celebrate Wales this Summer
We love Wales and we love celebrating it’s diverse communities that have made Wales the amazing country it is today. From Colombian tiple to Butetown Carnival to Glitter Pride; here are 6-Events celebrating the wonderful communities of Wales … 1. Love, Cardiff : 50 Years of Your Stories Our friends at Sherman Theatre are …

11th July 2023 |
The difference we make to sanctuary-seekers in Wales
The Welsh Refugee Council exists to create a Wales where sanctuary seekers are welcomed, respected, and empowered. Whether it’s through delivering expert advice through the Wales Sanctuary Service (Last year we delivered 3,305 sessions to 700 clients from over 50 nationalities) or helping refugees find a job in Wales (Between 2021-2022 Our Education and Employability …

9th June 2023 |
Wales MUST reject the Illegal Migration Bill
The draconian UK Government ‘Illegal Migration Bill’ is currently being debated in the House of Lords. The accompanying debates have been marked by saddening anti-migrant rhetoric. The Bill essentially bans the right to claim asylum in the UK. Those who enter the UK ‘irregularly’ will be permanently inadmissible to any protection status. On 20 June …

7th June 2023 |
Diolch yn Fawr Volunteers! ????
As we approach the end of Volunteer Week; Martin Smidman, Volunteer Manager, shares his thoughts about the contributions of volunteers to the Welsh Refugee Council : “In this week, when we celebrate the tremendous, and often unsung, contribution that volunteers make to helping people in the UK and abroad, the Welsh Refugee Council would like …

5th June 2023 |
Welsh Refugee Council is a Weston Charity Award Winner!
The impact of our services and future ambitions has been recognised with our selection as a 2023 Weston Charity Awards winner. We have been awarded a team of business experts and funding to tackle the cost-of-living crisis. The award gives us the chance to invest in our future with ten months of strategic planning support from …

22nd May 2023 |
Nation Of Sanctuary Awards 2023
“We are a Nation of Sanctuary and that means something.” On Wednesday 29th March, we celebrated the contributions of sanctuary-seekers in Wales at the Nation of Sanctuary Awards. The awards – with the headline sponsor PwC Foundation – were hosted at Cardiff City Hall. The evening included speeches from Jane Hutt MS, Hamed Amiri, and Welsh Refugee Council CEO …

16th May 2023 |
Welsh Refugee Council AGM is on Thursday 18th May
Everything you need to know about WRC AGM We are looking forward to welcoming you to our AGM on Thursday 18th May hosted at sbarc|spark The afternoon will include reflections on our achievements over the last year, as well as looking forward to some of the big challenges to come – particularly the widening of dispersal. …

9th May 2023 |
Refugee Week 2023 theme is Compassion
Our task must be to free ourselves – by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”- Albert Einstein What is Refugee Week? Refugee Week is the world’s largest arts & culture festival celebrating the contributions, creativity and resilience of people seeking sanctuary. It’s been …

5th May 2023 |
Time to Lift The Ban says Liz Saville Roberts
“It cannot be right that asylum-seekers are frozen in destitution waiting months – if not years – while they await a decision” On Wednesday 28 April, the Illegal Migration Bill was voted on in the House of Commons. This Bill is cruel and unworkable and goes against Wales’s ambition to become a Nation of Sanctuary. Yet, amongst the amendments …