Statement: Jane Hutt MS on the Nation of Sanctuary commitment
Yesterday, the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Jane Hutt MS, reaffirmed the Welsh Government’s unwavering commitment to Wales as a Nation of Sanctuary. The Welsh Refugee Council fully supports this vision and welcomes the continued leadership Wales has shown in creating a society where those seeking sanctuary can rebuild their lives in safety and dignity.
At the Welsh Refugee Council, we welcome this strong and clear message. Wales has consistently led the way in showing what a compassionate and practical approach to supporting people seeking sanctuary can look like, and we’re proud to play our part in making that vision a reality.
At a time when divisive rhetoric and misinformation threaten to undermine these values, it is more important than ever that we stand firm. We urge the UK Government to follow Wales’ lead by adopting policies that prioritise dignity, integration, and long-term support for people seeking sanctuary. A fair and effective asylum system should reflect the principles that Wales has embedded in its Nation of Sanctuary approach—treating people with respect, enabling them to contribute, and ensuring their rights are protected.
We look forward to continuing our work with the Welsh Government and all partners to make this vision a reality. By strengthening and resourcing the Nation of Sanctuary approach, Wales can continue to lead the way in showing that a more compassionate and effective system is possible—not just here, but across the UK.