WRC statement: Together against hate

At the Welsh Refugee Council, we are profoundly heartbroken by the recent surge in far-right extremism and the violence directed at sanctuary seekers, refugees, those with migration heritage, and advice workers. Racism, Islamophobia, and hostile language have no place in our society. 

Amidst these troubling times, we are incredibly proud of how Wales, as a Nation of Sanctuary, has united in standing against those who seek to divide us. Our communities and partner organisations have shown extraordinary solidarity and bravery, making it clear that hatred has no place here. 

We stand with all those affected—men, women, and children who have already endured so much. The government’s condemnation of these attacks is important, but we need more immediate action. We call on funders and the government to invest urgently in vital sanctuary support services, and community building work.  

We ask our new UK Government, to renounce hostile language, that can often perpetuate click bait headlines and normalise racism.  


We are committed to creating lasting change and encourage organisations to work with us to combat misinformation and strengthen understanding. If you would like training for your team, or organisation please get in touch.  

Let’s come together to build a Wales where kindness triumphs over division and every individual finds a true sense of belonging.