Welsh Refugee Coalition

Are you supporting asylum seekers and refugees and want to feel more in the know?

Then join the Welsh Refugee Coalition!

What does it do?

Welsh Refugee Coalition logo.The Welsh Refugee Coalition is a collection of organisations working in Wales with asylum seekers and refugees at all stages of their journey, and with the communities in which they live.

We work together to ensure that our limited resources can be used to best effect and to speak with one voice on policies and practices affecting people seeking safety in Wales.




How often does it meet?

The Coalition currently has a membership of 51 organisations and meets quarterly, or as pressing issues arise. Meetings are online.

The Coalition is steered by the Exec Group currently made up of: Welsh Refugee Council, City of Sanctuary, Asylum Justice, DPIA, EYST, Oasis, Red Cross and Tai Pawb. The Exec Group have committed to volunteering extra hours to ensure consultations, briefings, events, and awareness raising activities are completed.

In between meetings…

We send out a Coalition Newsletter at regular intervals which highlights:

  • Latest UK & Welsh policy developments
  • Spotlight on latest AS&R projects
  • AS&R events in Wales
  • Job vacancies across the sector

How can I join?

Applications to join the Coalition should be sent to coalition@wrc.wales