Welcome news about Rwanda scheme.

This week marks a significant change in Government, with the Labour Party under Keir Starmer taking power for the first time in 14 years. With this change, we see new opportunities and challenges on the horizon, especially in the treatment of refugees and sanctuary seekers.

UK Government announces an end to the cruel and inhumane Rwanda deportation scheme

We are pleased to share that on his first full day as Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer  confirmed the Rwanda deportation scheme was “dead and buried.” The new PM acted swiftly to fulfil a major manifesto pledge, ending the unjust policy of deporting migrants arriving in the UK illegally to Rwanda, a scheme introduced by the previous government.


The Rwanda scheme: Background and controversy

The Rwanda deportation plan, established by former Prime Minister Boris Johnson and a key priority during Rishi Sunak’s premiership, aimed to deter illegal immigration by sending migrants to Rwanda. However, despite costing around £310 million of taxpayers’ hard-earned money, this scheme faced numerous legal challenges and never saw a flight take off.


What we know so far

Labour’s manifesto pledged to tackle illegal immigration by targeting criminal people-smuggling gangs through hiring investigators and utilising counter-terror powers. Although the full details of the new ‘Boarder Security Command’ are yet to be revealed, the focus will be on practical measures to provide a more effective response to immigration.

What does the future hold?

While the future may be uncertain, we are hopeful that the new government will honour their commitment to prioritise humane and practical solutions over controversial and ineffective policies.

We envision a UK where the right to claim asylum is restored, a national strategy supporting refugee integration, and safe routes for those seeking sanctuary are expanded.