Help with Housing

Do I qualify for Home Office accommodation?

If you are awaiting the outcome of your asylum claim and are destitute (have no money to meet your basic needs and no housing within the next 14 days) you are entitled to apply for accommodation and support from the Home Office. This could be in a flat, house, hostel or bed and breakfast. Call us on our freephone number 0808 196 7273 to book an appointment to get help accessing this support.

Can I choose where I live?

Accommodation for asylum seekers is provided on a no–choice basis meaning you don’t get  to choose where you live.  There are only 3 reasons which the Home Office will consider specific relocation requests:

  • Medical grounds with very strong medical reasons why a person must continue treatment in one area rather than move to another location. This reason is generally restricted to specialist care, e.g. referrals, treatment plans etc. Evidence will need to be provided to show this.
  • Education if children are in final years of GCSE or A levels Home Office policy states that accommodation should be provided in that area to enable stability in exam years. Evidence from school will need to be provided.
  • Right to ‘private and family life’ (Article 8 ECHR) – requests to be closer to relatives may be considered but supporting evidence and letters needed. E.g. if you are a carer for a sick relative who will be unable to look after themselves without your support.

If you think you fit into one of the categories above call us on our freephone number 0808 196 7273 to book an appointment.

What if I have a problem with my accommodation?

If you are experiencing problems with your current housing, please contact your Clearsprings Housing Manager.

What happens when I receive a decision on my asylum claim? 

If you have received a positive decision on your asylum claim you will be given 28 days to leave your Home Office provided accommodation and find somewhere to live. Our Housing and Landlord Caseworker supports newly granted refugees in Cardiff to find new accommodation and prevent homelessness.


Book a caseworker appointment