Move On Service
NEW – Online booking available for Move On appointments!
Book your appointment via the link below.
Just over half of asylum seekers are granted refugee status. However, they then are given just 28 days to leave asylum accommodation and find housing, employment, and a means to support themselves.
During this time, homelessness becomes a real possibility. Our Move On team provides crucial support in this period.
Between 2021-2022 the Move On service held 2,232 face to face sessions helping 1,296 newly granted applicants and their families.
Book your Move On appointment here!
"I approached the Welsh Refugee Council a couple of times, and I am pleased to say that I was provided with the best service."

How we can help:
- Checking documentation and ensuring clients know their rights.
- Help applying for National Insurance numbers.
- Help applying for Universal Credit, Pension Credit, Sure Start Maternity Grant, Child Benefit and back-dated money.
- Help applying for Integration Loans.
- Help applying for UC Advance Payments.
- Help applying to Discretionary Assistance Fund (Emergency and Individual Assistance Payments).
- Support applying for accommodation.
- Providing communication support between local housing team and clients.
- Help with access to public services, local support networks, voluntary sector and community-based organisations.
We provide face-to-face appointments in our offices on:
- Mondays – 10:00 – 13:00 and 14:00 – 15:00.
- Tuesdays – 10:00 – 13:00 and 14:00 – 15:00.
- Wednesdays – 10:00 – 13:00, we are CLOSED in the afternoon.
- Thursdays – 10:00 – 13:00 and 14:00 – 15:00.
- Fridays – 10:00 – 13:00, we are CLOSED in the afternoon.
- Saturday – CLOSED
- Sunday – CLOSED
We offer drop-in services strictly on an emergency basis. If you attend the office for an emergency drop-in, your level of need will be assessed by our triage. If your issue is not deemed to be an emergency, you will be asked to book in an appointment.
Call us on our freephone number 0808 196 7273 to book an appointment.
You will reach one of our team members and if we can help, one of our experienced caseworkers will contact you. If you need an interpreter we will do our best to have someone available on the phone.
We don’t believe anyone should be on the streets. Donate now to support us.
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