Latest Advice & Information on Rwanda Act

Many of you have seen stories in the media about the Home Office’s intention to detain people subject to removal under the recently passed Rwanda Act. This news will no doubt cause worry for our clients, their communities, and the WRC volunteers who help support them.

Like other organisations supporting sanctuary seekers in Wales and the rest of the UK, we still don’t know what this plan will look like or how many people will actually be detained. We think it is likely that the initial number may be quite small. However, as we are not legal experts, we cannot provide advice on individual cases and we cannot say who may or may not be affected by increased detention.

As we wait for more information and clarity on this decision from the Home Office, here are some helpful resources:

If you are an asylum-seeker living in Wales and you have received a letter from the Home Office saying you will be detained and sent to Rwanda, please contact us as soon as possible at 0808 196 7273