Hate Crime Awareness Workshops


The Hate Crime Awareness Project in Wales aims to develop the knowledge and awareness of hate crime, amongst asylum seekers and refugees across Wales and identify hate crime ambassadors within their communities.

It is a series of workshops and interactive forum theatre style sessions that gets people talking about hate crime, discuss how they can identify it and better understand what they can do if they have experienced it.  Funded by the Welsh Government and supported by Victim Support, the project met people at drop-in spaces where asylum seekers and refugees visit.

As result of the pandemic the events are taking place online.

To join the sessions, go here: https://bit.ly/35NDtzC


During December 2019 to March 2020, the Project:

  • delivered 11 sessions with 130 people,
  • distributed over 160 Hate Crime booklets in 11 languages,
  • shared 120 contact cards and
  • published an information video about crime in Wales.

Of those who attended, 90% didn’t know what a hate crime was.

The best thing about the session is understanding how to get out of a bad situation by walking away.  Before this class, I would have fought back, but now I know how to respond; that I must treat others equally if I want to be treated equal, as well.” – Workshop Participant

To learn more about the project email althea@wrc.wales 

To join the session, simple choose your preferred date here